Sunday 15 May 2016

嗨 過去的自己




Friday 6 December 2013

如果你不认识我 该有多好

有很想实现的梦想 却迟迟不行动
想做一些事 接触一些不认识的人

我没有要遗弃这里 但默默开了个 小基地

.Write to express, Not to impress.
总想做点什么 充实自己 
找事情让我自己忙 我比较有动力 比较开心

Saturday 9 November 2013


程又青说过 熟女魅力法则之一: [再也没有人 可以决定你头发的长度。]

. I beLIEve .
又不小心剪了一頭短髮 默念頭髮很快就再長 泰然自若;
就像最近晝夜不分 難以自拔嗜看電影 然後催眠自己說日子很好過 渾然篤定;
- 金牛女總愛這樣偏執地陷進 自己幻象裡所預設好的心境 -

I wanted to write some review about those movies I watched,
those thought-provoking ones,
but I hardly get a right mood to do so.

不知不觉 已经是十一月 

Friday 25 October 2013

微笑 正义

Other than just drowning myself with a lot of movies in the midnight,
I tried so hard to amend my body clock...

最近 我要调好的除了生理时钟 还有心境
但是只要调一调心境 很多负面的事情也找得到正面点
观念转个弯 生命无限宽

怪只怪我只怕鬼 实际上我又实在不太信神 平时真的不够虔诚
但这次不管怎样 为了我这么爱的人 我一定一定要好好祈祷

头发又长了 这个年纪越大我越想把头发剪短

可以做的一定还有很多很多 想做的也很多很多
加油! 有勇气不放弃也算是一大进步了 (=

初中三的时候 坐在隔一条走廊左边的两个好女生
我还真的蛮感性 这样的事 听着就泪流不止
爱 · 幸福 · 满满

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Tears of joy

OH.... I can't tell how much feeling mixed inside my mind, right here right now.

This morning, I was rewinding myself with the photos inside "Kingdom M" album. Then, same night, I received this picture from 2000 miles away. I was praying really hard for The Beloved one, just one minute ago. Then, how can't I be touched? I was so surprised.

Then, I stared at this picture. I teared, and followed by laugh.
"Hey, the spelling is wronged la ---> huiwEn! My name is HUIWEN ok! haha"

I must tell, "I am fine. Thank you, my old friends out there!!!"

/ I did not mention, I miss you guys, sincerely./

Today, the team went to Blue Lagoon for snorkelling and BBQ, as a small outing trip. Had a short conversation. Had some encouragement. Had some laughters. Some of the ex-colleagues were leaving. Some stay. Some new staffs coming in. I can still remember of every single corner over there. Receiving some other pictures of tandoori chicken and bananas! They know I love eating, haha!!! Then, some photos of them too, of course! (=

This is the first day of October. Oh, it is 01/10! Had never remember this date since thousand years ago! Today, may I just act to be a little girl? Just like the old school Children's Day, I was like receiving something that made me soooo touched huh? Over-exaggerated? Ohhh my... I am such easy to encounter with, I guess so? =P

Still, I'm praying hard for The Beloved one. Also, I am smiling like a little girl. (: