Saturday 27 July 2013

Maldives (Jan~Mar'13)

Well, write this down after so many months huh? =/

I can't really write much but for the sake repeating seeing the photos made my day. (= ---------> The first three months in 2013 was too awesome. I never thought I myself would be there in the paradise. Even it was for the purpose of work. I felt pleased. I loved and I enjoyed working. Satisfaction over work had already reached full tank.

Maldives, is somewhere I never even hoped to go ever. I can still recall the first day when I was back from Maldives to Malaysia, receiving so much texts and calls from colleagues, friends and good friends there. All kind of people, regardless of positions, races, religions, beliefs, genders and colours. It is kinda unbelievable to believe I had been there! Oh, it is too difficult to describe all these happenings in words... That was really like a dream...

Two words to describe: Amazing and unrealistic.

I truly miss them. We're still frequently keeping in touch until today. This is definitely one of the most unforgettable periods throughout my life.

很忙碌的工作 我真的完全投入我的工作 因为很喜欢 因为很满足
我很感激我的三个姐妹 一起同一屋檐下 无所不谈
我很感激所有的同事 还有之后变成朋友的人们
不分阶级高低 不管身份 不分种族 不分男女 我好喜欢我好喜欢的人
即使工作偶尔遇到瓶颈 但这些人都帮了我好多好多 由衷感激 也学了很多
这种Passion 好像我学吉他时 实在很有热忱 好喜欢这三个月的自己
也不知道该怎么继续形容 好幸福的回忆
珍贵的三个月会被记在心里 还有那些互相珍惜的朋友。


1 comment:

  1. Honestly I really envy that you can work in Maldives!! Well, not envy, more like impress!! Looking at your photo is enough to make me feel like I'm looking at the paradise! Really wonderful!!

    Hope you cherish those who love you and always concern about you! You have a lot of those people because you are very friendly! Keep it up! ^^
