Saturday, 27 November 2010


Have you ever wondered which hurt the most?
Saying something that you didn't meant to, or saying nothing but you actually wished to?

事情好不容易告一段落 又来了一个高潮叠起 出乎意料
有些流言蜚语 只听一面之词是不足以证明就是事实的
如果你曾经认识过我 还无条件怀疑我 或者再加油添醋
我只能说 那就算了 你这样做你比较开心那就继续吧 我懒得解释也懒得争辩
只是你也曾经是我用心交过的朋友 我曾经和你分享了很多事
但最后结论是 没有所谓的对或错 只是我看清了真心和伪装
真的很无辜很无奈 但我更心寒 你那种无邪的眼神 背后到底藏了些什么?
也许 我们一开始就不该认识的 也许 我们只是两个不同世界的人 ="(
哎 算了 这些都将成为过往云烟 我再也不会难过了。


It wasn't because I stopped caring, it was because you refused to trust on me. I'm stuck on rewind, at the same time, I am trapped in the corner wondering why had you walked away from my life. You would never realised how many words remind me of you until you become someone that I no longer wish to remember.
Never judge a book by its cover. Trust only your eyes and heart.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Just A Dream

By Sam Tsui & Christina Grimmie

Hmmmm, this really impressed me so muchiiiiieeeee! :")
Thanks the person who introduced this song to me.

May Ahwen shares this song to you all too.
Do enjoy! ♥

Saturday, 20 November 2010

sometimes =)

When you are struggling alone in the room. When you cannot think of any other ways.
When you are waiting for something to pop out. When you just can't control to tear or heartache. When you are listen to emo-type of melodies. When you really didn't know what's in your mind. :(

SOMETIMES this might only happen once in a while.

眼前早已失去了憧憬 心里早已逝去的冲动
逐渐深陷在泥沼中 越是挣脱越是缠绕 很讽刺
其实没有没有 有时候免不了对号入座 想太多也很多疑问
我忘了到底曾经为了谁而忧伤 却记得那些陪我走过荆棘的同伴
当音乐都停下时 可能 保持微笑还是最直接忘却心痛的方法

或许你不够懂我 因为我一直都在保护自己 把自己锁进某个角落 怎么也解不开
是 我是遇见了残忍的事 但一笑而过就打算忘了 因为谁告诉我那些人不值得我难过
所以即便生活中少了那份真诚的感动 却让我更珍惜所有
如果你不愿意承认 我就不能确定我心中的疑问 我不会那么勇敢那么奋不顾身
我的倔强 我的脆弱 我的胆小 我的被动 我的笑容 我的眼泪 我的为之动容
是优点 更是缺点
懂我的人知道我不是轻易就会失去理智的 只是偶尔会拿真实的记忆当作维他命

我从来不奢望 能再遇到更交心的朋友 我从来不期待 那些不切实际的白日梦
但是我还是心甘情愿地对人掏心掏肺 我还是享受那种侃侃而谈的对白
我能分辨谁真心愿意靠近我 谁就能让我放下武装 像个孩子把所有心绪都和你分享

我要把positive power储备好 随时启动
No worries 我很能控制自己的思绪 让我放肆几天后 我会坚持很正面的自己
真的谢谢 身边一直有贴心的人不断无私地付出


Thursday, 18 November 2010


By 倪安東

不要阻止我哭 我会感恩如果你让我放心地哭
我很担心 我很操心 那股悸动
呵护地祈祷 微笑冒充苦笑 又像乐园又像煎熬

我依然还是我 我依然很爱哭
我依然很坚强 我依然很被动

我 的 心 真 的 在 大 哭 着

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Undescribable Effect

Be happy is one way of being wise.
Life should never be easy. We hold on things and wonder what's to come. In the moments, we laugh, we tear, we love, we fall, we forgive and we forget. I'm such a over-loaded-with-old-memories girl but I'm so looking forward to the future days too!
This is what people called - L I F E

Does anybody still remember this paper plane? =P Received it during 2007! lol


Finally I grabbed a superb great opportunity to watch [3 Idiots], without anybody using the same internet line! Ohhh, I laughed and I cried! For the up-and-down storyline, and for the 3 real cool men!!! Owhhhhh, I think the movie could be so perfectly touched because it is all about true friendship and brotherhood. A lot of positive power is given in the scenes. A lot of educational moral value is taught. A lot a lot of their hilarious creative conversation making me laughing "siao-ly" too! XD
Recently I had never been so happy as how I was last night! :) Hahahahahaha!
I always can have my assignments and works all undone but NO WAY if you want me to shut down my lappie. XD

and You know WHAT?
Before I closed my eyes to dream, I was looking at my handphone - the super "lao kok kok" which can actually being thrown into the sea. However, I never really wanted to change it because seriously I've got lotsa lotsa precious memories inside this small little old thing. It is so so bloody important to me! (As long as it is alive.)
and You know WHY?
Hmmm, I was about to check the inbox to delete some over-capacity messages. Hmmm, by opening every messages one by one, I was like a kiddo can't stop smiling at them! Those soundless historical sms-es had made my day! ^___^
HAHAHA! This is how I fell asleep so tightly and sweeetly lor!!! =))

Isn't life actually so simple and easy yet happy and satisfying?
Good Morning!!! ^O^ **TeeeeeeeHeeeeeeee**

Friday, 12 November 2010


我 真的真的不喜欢被人称赞
尤其是被人觉得自己幸运的时候 更特别不安 感觉自己明明就很糟
总认为 幸运只是一时的
也许一天后 甚至只过了一小时 坏事就会接踵而至
整个人会有超级无敌霹雳严重的罪恶感 总觉得一切一定会加倍“奉还” =(

有些事 不需要问不需要追究不需要执著
有些人 总给予好不舒服的眼神
难道是我不经意犯下了什么错 惹到什么人了吗?

哎 其实我很轻易就会看不起自己 也许是因为也看不清自己
不要轻易答应我任何事 虽然温馨的语气让人觉得好安心
偶尔会突然觉得好累 好累好累 累到没办法张开眼睛 没办法用力呼吸
有时候面对很多人 不是我想选择沉默寡言
只是不想多作解释 不喜欢知道很多不该知道的
我宁可对自己残忍 选择不闻不问 再转身狂奔

这点痛 注定 我还能忍

Monday, 8 November 2010



以前 我好喜欢好喜欢尔康和紫薇这一对天造地设
还有那个我很崇拜的皇阿玛 当然还有小燕子和五阿哥

有些事 要忘都忘不掉 有些人 想丢却丢不了
我 曾 经 好 喜 欢 好 喜 欢 好 喜 欢 的
已 化 成 一 股 感 动 的 力 量 和 味 道

感谢天 感谢地 感谢命运让我们相遇

Friday, 5 November 2010

20 vs 30

Twen-teen vs Third-teen

14 years old distance between DAJIE and wen.
She married to Gorgor KC when I was just 9.

He is her first love and they've got married!!! After that, dajie has been living in Penang till the present time. In my impressions I could just remember before dajie married, she was such a good good girl who always help my mummy take care of me. She was like my little mummy when I knew nothing. I feel so glad that Gorgor Kc gives her a really extraodinary xing fu de jia. Their three kids are always my proud. :)


11 years old distance between ERJIE and wen.
Unlike me, she still looks so so young while times past.

It's like we have thousands of stories to tell everytime when I am back at home. Sometimes we might quarrel over beans of matters because we care every single thing and each other too much. However, we share the deepest secrets, either the good one or the bad one. We both love musics. We both love green tea. We both love polka dots. We both love lil flowers. We both love each other! I'm too glad she also got married to the one who really loves her. Thanks Gorgor AhPang letting my sister eat nicer and nicer every single day! (Oooops! :P)


The day when I changed from the passenger seats at the back to the front, I knew I'd somehow grown up and no more a little girl. 'Thou I'm still regarded as their baobei.

I have my dajie and my erjie, whom I always follow with.
I have my parents and both of them dote on me so so so much,
not on those materiality gifts but it's simply felt with a tiny red thing - HEART ♥
Feel like to tie a ribbon on it. :)

M O R E T H A N E N O U G H. (:

Thursday, 4 November 2010


Feel so happy to have met more and more nice friends in the Uni. :)
Feel so touched that someone had really made our days to be blessed. :)
Feel so alived when singing the emo songs without the broken heart. :)
Feel so relieved after the long chat and the revealed. :)

Feel so warmth to be with my dearest papa mama and my family.
Feel so great to be at home. :)
NOW, officially announcing that --> I AM BACK! ♥ teeeheee!