Thursday 4 November 2010


Feel so happy to have met more and more nice friends in the Uni. :)
Feel so touched that someone had really made our days to be blessed. :)
Feel so alived when singing the emo songs without the broken heart. :)
Feel so relieved after the long chat and the revealed. :)

Feel so warmth to be with my dearest papa mama and my family.
Feel so great to be at home. :)
NOW, officially announcing that --> I AM BACK! ♥ teeeheee!


  1. 怎樣把我的blog弄成你這樣精緻?

  2. 我的blog的網址有改了

  3. Hypoc:
    ok changes saved. :)
    Oh, dashboard -> Design -> Edit Layout and Template Designer :)

    I just simply chose a theme and added some gadgets to the sidebars. Then it is done! Quite easy to handling the blogspot rather than the spaces! And people can always link anything here! :)
